Reference work


Clients include schools such as Saint John University and Stony Brook, and hotels such as the Roger Williams and Seaport, as well as apartments and homes.

All Saints, the SoHo retail store, was facing a $500,000 bill. I solved their problem for $75,000.


”We had struggled for a month to discover why the AC wasn’t cooling. Mike discovered a thimble had been lodged in the system. I can’t imagine anyone else would have stuck it out. He’s like the HVAC detective.”

Nicholas — a residential customer in Downtown New York

A UN embassy had to demolish and reconstruct walls in order to replace a 50-year-old German boiler. They’d been quoted costs of up to $1m. It took me a month, but I painstakingly fixed the broken pipes, and put the old boiler back to work.

Mike Hamdan